Friday Vibes


The end of the road and the finale of the infamous and ever present five day torture sentence known as “the work week”.

The shining light at the end of the tunnel.

Good ‘ole Friday.

There’s something truly blissful about that uncoordinated happy dance you do when you slip-slide out of work, glaring devilishly at your ogre of a boss as he has to stay late for a corporate meeting.

Your work buddy, Dave, is going to have a “killer” guys night at his place tomorrow. He couldn’t grill if George Foreman and Guy FieriĀ  baptized him in a vat of bacon grease, but, he’s a great guy.

Oh, how we love Fridays.

The girls are all going out. Hair is flowing. Nails done. Looking snatched. But you’re really just ready to sit back in your PJ’s, do your DIY home spa treatment and talk about how tired you are of Barbara wearing the same crusty high waisted denim jeans on Casual Friday’s.

Yes, it’s Friday.

Me personally, I’m just as ready as you all are. There’s a new game mode in Fortnite that I am eager to get my overly worked gamer thumbs on. I probably won’t take the Victory Royale, but that’s okay. Deadpool 2 is out now and the Merc with a Mouth is back to deliver a healthy dose of crude humor, stylized violence, overly tight super suits and bad punch lines; everything we love in the world.

The weekend brings us a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, even if you only accomplished a tiny thing, like finally killing that ignorant fly that taunted you all week with his small, irate and disproportional body. Friday’s are meant to be thoroughly enjoyed, we’re supposed to shed the load of the tumultuous week and leap with the warm embrace of the weekend (not to be confused with The Weeknd, although a lot of people would like that).

So to everyone who has worked their way through week, be it at the office cubical, at Lowes, as a beautician or as full time back scratcher, enjoy your weekend! You made it through to the end and you should be proud! Live it up! Have a blast!


Because Monday is going to hit you like a freakin’ mack truck.
