In Pursuit

There is always something that we are hunting for. We have this blazing desire to achieve something, to be better than we were yesterday; to be happy.

There are a million things that we could do to potentially get to this level of happiness. But, it seems that we are constantly a step away from fully reaching absolute satisfaction.  We work, we play, we do things that bring us a sense of accomplishment, but more often than not, we still feel we are lacking something.

I have found myself struggling, more than once, to really feel like I’m doing something important, something that makes me smile. There are a plethora of things in this world that make me smile: family, motorcycles, food, games and friends. Overtime, however, I began to recognize a pattern in my behavior; I was treating happiness as a destination. I was making it someplace to be and unfortunately, I was never there. Dark and harrowing feelings would creep over me and I would need to do something that made me happy, like there was a cure. I relied on other things, and people, to bring me gratification and ultimately I lost the ability to pursue the best version of myself. Happiness, to me, became a one stop shop, a quick fix that only lasted a brief amount of time.

Eventually, I was just always sad. Food couldn’t bring me comfort, games became boring and repetitive and even the furious and mechanical bellows of a motorcycle couldn’t put a smile on my face. Nothing seemed to work, nothing was good enough and I wasn’t happy.

It wasn’t until the beginning of this year that I saw the flaws in my ways. It wasn’t a eureka moment by any means, just a subtle, yet powerful, change in my outlook.

Happiness is not a destination. Happiness is a constant journey.

First off, I had to stop putting happiness in a box, limiting its potential to only a few (poorly) selected things, on my part.

Next, I had to come to terms with the fact that happiness doesn’t stop when I do; and I’ve stopped more than once. Happiness continues on, day in and day out and it’s my responsibility to grab it by the horns and own it. It won’t be easy, as a matter of fact, it’ll be impossible to really pin happiness down and say “okay, I’ve got it.” Since happiness is a journey, that means that the path to it is forever changing. Think about it like this- when you take a hike in the woods, you find a trail and you start walking. You’re surrounded by the best that nature has to offer: majestic trees, lush foliage, unique insects, clear skies and a cool, crisp breeze. You can stop for a while, appreciate the beauty of nature, maybe pick a few flowers but eventually you have to keep moving.  If you stay too long in one spot on the trail, not only will you never see the beauty ahead, but what you have seen will begin to lose its shine. The flowers won’t dance the same way in the wind, the trees will seem just average and you get bored; you get sad.

Now, you have to remember that you are still on the same trail. However, just because you’re moving on doesn’t mean you’re forgetting what was. You may know what makes you happy, and that’s great, but you can’t settle for a single aspect of that happiness when there is much an amazing “hike” ahead of you! Who knows, maybe you’ll find a secret trail that leads you to a different, but better place, or maybe the path you’re on takes you somewhere you never expected; somewhere absolutely breathtaking. The thing is, you’ll never know what lies ahead if you don’t keep moving and exploring the possibilities. It’s an adventure! Not a pit stop.

I myself was stuck in one part of my hike and I had become stagnant where I was at. But once I started to move again, once I realized that I had only just begun my hike and that there was still miles and miles left in my journey, I saw the beauty that the path ahead contained. It’s not that I didn’t appreciate where I was it, however, it had served its purpose, it had shown me its beauty and it was simply time to move on.

Happiness doesn’t stop. Happiness is a living, fluid, vibrant and beautiful thing.

So are you.

So often we feel empty inside, or we feel that we aren’t “making it” simply because we’ve stopped hiking. We found a spot that was comfortable and we become complacent. But there is so much more ahead, it’s unknown, but that’s a part of happiness, the discovery of it.

Sometimes on your journey, other people join you and you see the sights together. You engage in the surrounding beauty, you explore, help each other out and push through. Sometimes those people stay on your path and sometimes they don’t. But you’re still hiking, you appreciate the beauty they added and you’re so thankful, but, you keep moving and hoping that there is more to come.

And there is.

Whatever path you may be on, don’t forget that it hasn’t ended. It’ll get difficult, you may have to take a break every now and again, which is fine, just don’t stop and stay put. Be willing enough to take the next step and brave enough to keep walking.

There is so much more that lies ahead of us, so much happiness and opportunity that is just a few steps away. It’s up to us to decide if we want to pursue it or not.

I say go for it.

And if you happen upon someone else’s path, be sure to encourage them, give them hope and help them discover the happiness that we all long for.

Keep your head up, keep your legs churning and always keep your eyes open.

Happiness is obtainable.

So keep walking. You’ll get there.

We all will.



The Comparative Disease

The world is teeming with so many dangerous things, diseases, animals and weapons that can harm you. It’s a sobering thought, forcing us to make sure that we truly protect ourselves with the best care and treatments possible. We have become so certain that we are now safe, healthy and guarded from the dangers of the world. It’s in this state that we actually forget the lurking and most dangerously common force in our time. The disease called Comparison.

Social media is now a way of life, it’s involved in almost every aspect of what we do. We post pictures of where we are, what we eat, who we’re with, our accomplishments and more. While there isn’t an inherent evil to this, what has been conceived from social media is mentally and emotionally damaging. Everyday we are bombarded with images, videos and ads of those who are “living their best life” and while we can be happy for them, a creeping jealously begins to form. Someone on Instagram posts about their new job, or car, or how happy their relationship is, and we are almost conditioned to have our first be “I wish I had that.” Unknowingly, we start to long for a surface level satisfaction without knowing the underlying details.

We start to look at our own lives and become dissatisfied with what we are actually blessed with. Our car runs, but it’s not the new 2019 model. We are happy that we have an honest job that pays the bills, but it’s no six figure dream. “It’s not that I don’t love my significant other-but they don’t look like that guy/girl on Instagram.” These insecurities and comparisons always start off small and we tend to put them on our mental back burner. However, over time they begin to snowball and we are caught in a downward tumble of ‘what if’s’. Silently, we start to hate and grow tired of what we should be smiling about. Over time, nothing is good enough anymore; there is always something better. Our eyes divert from our physical lovers, to the digitized fantasies we have access to at the click of a button. Our spending habits slowly start to surge uncontrollably, even though we don’t have the actual money. Even our personalities change to one that was fabricated from an unhealthy desire to be different. Before long, we are living lives that we not meant for us, and in turn, we become the exact opposite of who we need to be.

I myself am guilty of this, constantly. Comparing myself to others, and it has eaten me alive from the inside out. By all accounts, I was supposed to graduate college in 2017, yet here I am. I was supposed to be a Division I athlete, but I went DIII. I would watch videos, posts and such of my friends tossing their caps in celebration or a hurdler breaking a record and without missing a beat, I would say “That should be me.” or “I wish I would’ve made it.” Instead of looking at the blessings that have come my way through the years, I am engulfed by envy and it has taken control of how I see my life. I know, and it sucks to admit, that I have missed out on so many wonderful opportunities in my own life because I was too busy following someone else’s.

Comparing yourself to others will never satisfy the desires of your heart. While we can wish all we want that we were soaring in the clouds, the fact is, we probably could’ve bought a plane ticket a long time ago. Everyone has heard the saying “the grass is always greener on the other side.”

False. Do not believe it.

The grass is greener where YOU water it. Where there is plenty of sunlight and room to grow.

As a society, it is far too easy to fall into the clutches of comparison and sometimes there seems like there is no way around it. Aren’t we supposed to feel excited for others and support their success? The answer is yes, we are. However, that  doesn’t mean clawing at every chance to be like them. When we envy others, when we compare, we forget what makes us special; what makes us, us. We lose sight of the gifts that we can offer the world and other people. In actuality, no one’s one talent and or gift, is better than another’s. We all have our place, our time and our path that is freely offered to us.

Think of it like this. Our world is a puzzle and all of us are pieces. How could we ever create the masterpiece this world is supposed to be if we all want to be the center piece? We will never recognize our potential or our goals until we stop comparing ourselves to the next person and start believing that we, as individuals are exactly who we’re supposed to be.

Comparisons are a disease. But the cure is YOU. 

I can’t lie, it won’t be easy to stop looking ahead and wondering what could be. But if you truly take the time, even just a moment, to look at what is, you will see that life has so much more to offer you. So the next time you see a woman with a massive wedding ring, strutting around Target, look at your own and smile, because the love that gave you your ring was meant for only you. Or if your working out and you see some ripped guy curling 100’s, don’t worry, you’re already at the gym and giving it YOUR best. It doesn’t matter where we go or land in life, hold fast to your uniqueness and you will flourish.

Never give up on who you are, because who you are is amazing and this world needs you. Not a copy of someone else; it needs you.

Even in the struggle, hold your heads high, keep your eyes to the sky and press on. Wherever you’re headed is up to you, and if you never quit, you’ll get there. I know that I have so much more growing to do, as do we all, but I am learning to find joy in the process of becoming who I am. I hope that you will begin to understand that joy as well, because it is pretty great.

So, to everyone who reads this, let me be the first to say: You’re not behind, you’re not late and you’re not stuck. You’re right where you need to be.

Thank you, for being you.


Living Life

I get it.

Times get hard, family has its issues, friendships collapse and everything around you seems to just be falling apart. Add on top of that the constant distraction and reminder that “your life could be like this” from social media and you’re a powder keg of stress, jealousy and frustration ready to blow.

I struggle with comparisons with other people who I see on social media. I look at the high rollers, guys who are funny and use that skill to make millions, I’ve seen the Instagram models who can strike one sultry pose and then boom, they’re living it up it Cabo San Lucas. All of these beautiful, smart, funny and rich people seem to be cruising through life on auto pilot with no obstructions ahead of them; it’s just too easy.

Then I look at myself. And honestly, I don’t see the best parts of me.

There are days when I just don’t feel adequate, I feel low and like I haven’t accomplished anything; nor will I. I have a longing to feel that I can do something, that I have mastered something in a sense, yet, I’m still just lurching along. Like said before, I’m still a NoPro. I’d open my phone, scroll throw my apps and repeat the cycle until I had seen enough of other peoples’ lives to be satisfied, but still empty.

What do they have that I don’t? How can I get it? Where is it? What does it feel like?

I was searching for answers to my questions from people that I didn’t even know. I was comparing myself to others who didn’t even know I existed.

I was digging myself deeper and deeper into a hole of comparisons and I was about to lose sight of the surface.

But that’s not how it ends.

After absorbing my daily digital dose, I finally cranked my heavy head up from my phone screen and looked to the life that I was living. It was a gorgeous day outside. Some flirtatious cardinals were dancing through the air, the sun was high and bright, green grass shifted in the winds like ocean waves and there was Declan, rolling around with a smile on is face.

I looked up even higher and there was a well constructed roof over my head, a TV to my left, a couch beneath my buns and a bowl of gourmet ramen (made by yours truly) on the table in front of me. My phone vibrates and I have an invitation from my little brother, Jeremiah, to hop on Fortnite with my other brother, Jordan. I join, and the whole time we laugh hysterically, shout out ridiculous commands, squeal when a squad of John Wicks is rushing us, and most importantly we are enjoying what we have and who we have it with. We got the W, too.

It’s funny, how envious we people can become of one another. But what’s even better and so much more rewarding, is when we as people learn to enjoy ourselves. Your life (yeah, I’m talking to you, Phillip) isn’t meant to be lived from another persons body. No matter how hard you tried, when it comes down to it, you’ll never be anyone but you. So you might as well invest in yourself and give it all you’ve got!

You don’t need to be an Instagram model, Youtube star, a comedian or a glorified chef; you just need to be you. Look at the life you’ve got, find the good in it, because there is always good, and hold tight to that. Be happy, smile, appreciate the moments and what you have, because I can guarantee you, there’s so much more to experience in life.

Text that friend that you have and make plans.

Go on a date with your crush.

Cook that meal you’ve been dying to try, or take yourself out.

Take a nap.

Go on a vacation that fits your style.

Because at the end of the day, the life YOU decide to live, is the best life you’ll ever have.